
Chiral Molecule Scattering Experiments

Polarized Electron - Chiral Molecule Scattering Experiments
Behlen Laboratory of Physics
University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Joan Dreiling (grad. student)
Prof. Tim Gay (advisor)


These experiments involve the scattering of longitudinally polarized electrons from chiral molecules. We hope to observe a phenomenon called electron circular dichroism, which is directly analogous to the effect seen when circularly polarized light passes through a solution of chiral molecules. In a separate test, we also hope to observe a chiral dependency of the scattering process known as dissociative electron attachment.

Pages in this Series
1. Abstract
2. Chirality
3. Chiral Photons and Electrons
4. Chiral Molecules
5. Optical Activity
6. Electron Optical Activity
7. Summary of EOA
8. ECD Past experiments
9. ECD Present experiments

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Archived: 2020