
09-2024 Brandon Blodgett and Jesse Stebbing received FYRE supports for 2024-2025 academic year.
08-2024 Tianlin Li received his Ph.D. degrees from UNL in August. Congratulations, Dr. Li!
08-2024 Qiuchen Wu received 2024-2025 EQUATE Graduate Student Fellowship. Congratulations!
05-2024 Aram Pirali and Hailey Anderson received UCARE supports for 2024 summer & 2024-2025 academic year.
05-2024 Hailey Anderson received Physics Undergraduate Research Award. Congratulations!
05-2024 Hailey Anderson was the poster competition winners in undergraduate sessions for 2024 Student Research Days. Congratulations! Check the news: NCESR Projects are amongst Student Research Days Poster Winners.
05-2024 Yifei Hao received his Ph.D. degrees from UNL in May. Congratulations, Dr. Hao!
04-2024 Yifei Hao was selected for the 2023-2024 Outstanding Graduate Research & Creative Activities Award by the UNL Graduate Awards Committee. Congratulations!
02-2024 Yifei Hao recently published a paper "Record high room temperature resistance switching in ferroelectric-gated Mott transistors unlocked by interfacial charge engineering" in Nature Communications, which is the top 25 physics articles of 2023 and featured in Nebraska Today. Read about it here.
09-2023 Aram Pirali received FYRE support for 2023-2024 academic year.
08-2023 Jia Wang received her Ph.D. degrees from UNL in August. Congratulations, Dr. Wang!
05-2023 The podcast interviews between Prof. Hong and the National Nanotechnology Coordination Office were released. Listen to them at Episode 1 & Episode 2.
05-2023 Kun Wang received his Ph.D. degrees from UNL in May. Congratulations, Dr. Wang!
03-2023 Alyssa Simpson was selected as a CAS top presenter at the Nebraska Research Days 2023. Congratulations!
03-2023 Jia Wang won the second and Kun Wang won the third excellent poster presentations in EPSCoR NRIC 2023 Conference. Congratulations! Check it out here.
06-2022 Savanna Richardson (undergraduate) and Natalie Thompson (high school student) joined the group for summer research.
04-2022 Qiuchen Wu won the first and Jia Wang won the second excellent poster presentations in EPSCoR NRIC 2022 Conference. Congratulations!
04-2022 Qiuchen Wu and Alyssa Simpson were the poster competition winners in graduate and undergraduate sessions for 2022 Student Research Days. Congratulations! Check the news: graduate session and undgraduate session.
06-2021 Alyssa Simpson received George E. & Mary K. Haskell Scholarship. Congratulations!
05-2021 Ethan Van Winkle (RET teacher) and Elena Belashchenko (high school student) joined the group for summer research.
04-2021 Hailey Anderson received funding from UCARE and McNair to do research in the group.
03-2021 Dawei Li becomes professor at Dalian University of Technology early this year. Congratulations, Professor Li!
01-2021 Xuegang Chen becomes professor at Anhui University early this year. Congratulations, Professor Chen!
08-2020 Alyssa Simpson (undergraduate) made a video presentation "Novel van der Waals Hetersostrutures for High Performance Nanoelectronics" for UNL Summer 2020 symposium, as a part of her UCARE project. Check it out here.
04-2020 Dawei Li recently published a paper "Polar Coupling Enabled Nonlinear Optical Filtering at MoS2/Ferroelectric Heterointerfaces" in Nature Communications, which is featured in Nebraska Today. Read about it here.
03-2019 Michael Bengston featured as former intern in a video of Nebraska Center for Energy Sciences Research (NCESR). Check it out here.
06-2018 Le Zhang received his Ph.D. degrees from UNL in December. Congratulations, Dr. Zhang!
05-2018 Ethan Gubbels (undergraduate), Patty Niemoth (RET teacher) and Arnavaz Adenwalla (high school student) joined the group for summer research.
05-2018 Carson received funding from UCARE to do summer research in the group.
05-2018 Michael Bengston recieved the Energy Sciences Research Summer internship.
03-2018 Spencer Prockish gave a talk at the APS March meeting.
12-2017 Two graduate students: Anil and Zhiyong received their Ph.D. degrees from UNL in December. Congratulations, Dr. Rajapitamuhuni and Dr. Xiao!
11-2017 Asheley Hollland delivered an invited student talk at the Wophys conference.
09-2017 Le Zhang received the Graduate Travel Award Program (GTAP) award for attending the 24th International Workshop on Oxide Electronics (iWOE 24), September 24-27, 2017, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
08-2017 Ashley Clegg, a high school student, along with Myles Neloms and Harrison Rivers, REU students from North Carolina A&T, presented their research at the 2017 UNL research fair.
06-2017 Zhiyong Xiao recently published a paper "Ferroelectric-Domain-Patterning-Controlled Schottky Junction State in Monolayer MoS2" in Physical Review Letters, which is featured in Nebraska Today. Read about it here.
05-2017 Michael Bengston, an undergraduate student at UNL, joins the group.
02-2017 Spencer Prockish presents his research on hybrid perovskite solar cells at UNL's Red Talk,WoPhyS, and Research at the Capitol.
06-2016 Dr. Jingfeng Song joins the group as a postdoctoral researcher.
05-2016 Spencer Prockish received funding from UCARE to continue research on perovskite solar cells.
05-2016 Anil Rajapitamahuni recently published a paper "Giant Enhancement of Magnetic Anisotropy in Ultrathin Manganite Films via Nanoscale 1D Periodic Depth Modulation" in Physical Review Letters, which is featured in Nebraska Today. Read about it here.
05-2016 Dr. Xia Hong recieved the Early Career Award from the DOE's office of science
03-2016 Josh Gerdes, an incoming undergraduate, Ashley Holland, a undergraduate student, and AJ Benker, a high school teacher, all join the group for the 2016 summer.
03-2016 Anil Rajapitamahuni is selected as a finalist for the best student presentation at the 2016 Joint MMM-Intermag Conference
02-2016 Spencer Prockish, a undergraduate student, recieved the Energy Sciences Research Summer internship.
08-2015 REU student, Daniel Vega, presented his research at the UNL Fall 2015 Research Fair.
07-2015 Courtney Matulka made a video about reasearch in the lab staring Josh Gerdes and Zhiyong Xiao. Check it out here.
05-2015 High school teachers, Scott Burns and Courtney Matulka, begin to conduct summer research in the group.
06-2014 Two undergraduate students, Peter Kosch and Jarold McWilliams, joined the group in the summer of 2014.
05-2014 Nolan Derives, a senior student at EE, graduated this summer and become an electrical designer at Northern Natural Gas. He had been working in the lab since his sophomore year on structure characterizations of epitaxial oxide thin films.
05-2014 Jennifer Hamblin, a undergraduate student, won the Undergraduate Award for Excellence in Research for her research on PFM studies of domain thermal stability in ferroelectric polymer thin films.
The video UNL produced about the research project funded by NSF Career was featured on NSF's Science 360 News Service. More information can be found here.
09-2013 Zhiyong Xiao, a graduate student, won the outstanding poster presentation in the 57th midwest solid state conference. More information can be found here.