
 Congratulations, Dr. Li! (December, 2024)

Dr. Tianlin Li in Graduate Commencement Ceremony (December, 2024) Group Bubble Tea Celebration (August, 2024)

Group in front of Union fountain (August, 2024) Dr. Yifei Hao in Graduate Commencement Ceremony (May, 2024)

Group attending APS Meeting (March, 2024) Dr. Jia Wang in Graduate Commencement Ceremony (August, 2023)

Group in front of Newton apple tree (July, 2023) Dr. Kun Wang in Graduate Commencement Ceremony (May, 2023)

Group attending APS Meeting (March, 2023)

Group Picnic, Pioneers Park (May, 2022) Group attending APS Meeting (March, 2022) Picture featured by APSMeetings Twitter [Link]

Group Ice Cream Celebration, UNL Union (June, 2022) Hailey working at atomic force microscopy (June, 2022)

Savanna working at transfer station (June, 2022)

Natalie working at transfer station (June, 2022) Alyssa presenting her poster at the UNL Student Research Days (April, 2022)

Hailey presenting her poster at the WoPhyS Conference (October, 2021)

Virtual Group Meeting (June, 2021)
Alyssa working at transfer station (July, 2020) Group Dinner, Lincoln (April, 2019)

Group attending APS Meeting (March, 2019)


Group in fornt of Newton apple tree (August, 2018)

Group Lunch, Jorgenson Hall (August, 2018) Arnavaz presenting her poster at the UNL Summer Research Symposium (August, 2018)
Dr. Zhiyong Xiao and Prof. Xia Hong in Jorgensen Hall (December, 2017) Group Picnic, Homes Lake Park (July, 2017) Harrison presenting his poster at the UNL Summer Research Symposium (June, 2017)
Ashley presenting her poster at the UNL Summer Research Symposium (June, 2017) Myles presenting his poster at the UNL Summer Research Symposium (June, 2017) Group Picnic, Homes Lake Park (Jun, 2015)
Josh presenting his poster at the UNL Summer Research Symposium (June, 2015) Daniel presenting his poster at the UNL Summer Research Symposium (June, 2015) Peter and Jarold working together (May, 2014)

Group Picnic, Pioneer Park (August, 2013)

Peter presenting his poster in the UNL Summer Research Symposium (August, 2013)

Jennifer presenting her poster in UCARE Research Symposium (August, 2013)
Group in front of the Nano Center (June, 2013) Sputtering system arrived (Summer, 2012). Courtesy of Craig Chandler/ University of Communications