Avatar for Norman Simon

Norman Simon

Retiree UNL Retirees University of Nebraska-Lincoln


JH 258B
Lincoln NE 68588-0277
402-472-4279 On-campus 2-4279

Research Interests

Analysis of electric and magnetic signals from the brain; EEG and MEG study of sleep.

Recent Publications

Simon, N.R., Kemp, B., Manshanden, I. and Lopes da Silva, F.H., 2003, “Whole-head Measures of Sleep from MEG Signals and the Ubiquitous < 1 Hz ‘Slow Oscillation’,” Sleep Research Online, in press.

Manshanden, I., de Munck, J.C., Simon, N.R., and Lopes da Silva, F.H., 2002, "Source Localization of MEG Sleep Spindles and the Relation to Sources of Alpha Band Rhythms," Clinical Neurophysiology, 113, 1937-1947.

Manshanden, I., de Munck, J.C., Simon, N.R. and Lopes da Silva, F.H., 2001, "Source Localization of MEG Sleep Spindles and the Relation to Sources of Alpha Band Rhythms," Clinical Neurophysiology, 113, 1937-1947.

Simon, N.R., Manshanden, I., and Lopes da Silva, F.H. 2000, "A MEG Study of Sleep," Brain Research, 860, 64-76.