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University of Nebraska–Lincoln

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Department of Physics and Astronomy

Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics 2009

301 Moved Permanently

301 Moved Permanently


Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics



Accommodations will be provided for participants on Friday and Saturday evenings, if required. There will be two participants per room.

Rooms have been reserved at the Holiday Inn - Downtown Lincoln (141 N 9th St, on the corner of 9th and P St). (see hotel and conference location on a map) The Holiday Inn offers a Shuttle Bus between airport and hotel. Please use the courtesy phone in the lobby of the airport (402-475-4011) to arrange a pick up.

The conference hotel is located in the vicinity of the Historic Haymarket, one of Lincoln's oldest neighborhoods. The Haymarket is a beautiful restored historic warehouse and industrial district. In recent decades, it has become a dining, specialty shopping, and urban living district, with a variety of visual and performing arts and nightlife.


Holiday Inn Lincoln Downtown

See Holiday Inn Brochure