Sky Map
 skyMap028view, link (213.1 KB, 850×560) source (672 KB)Mon, 1 Aug 05, 6:35pm UTC 
Simple Flat Sky Map
 simpleFlatSkyMap007view, link (65.7 KB, 850×580) source (324 KB)Tue, 19 Jul 05, 5:29pm UTC 

Now with zodiac constellations.

Longitude Latitude Demonstrator
 longLatDemo014view, link (87.9 KB, 650×400) source (672 KB)Tue, 5 Jul 05, 9:26pm UTC 

The shoreline data is now contained in the swf, so the xml file is no longer needed. Also, I fixed a layering issue with the city label and removed some of the extra white space.

Celestial-Equatorial System Demo
 celestialEquatorialDemo008view, link (88.4 KB, 800×510) source (843 KB)Wed, 22 Jul 09, 9:37pm UTC 
 celestialEquatorialDemo007view, link (88 KB, 800×510) source (838 KB)Fri, 10 Jul 09, 2:19pm UTC 
 celestialEquatorialDemo003view, link (42.4 KB, 450×400) source (256 KB)Thu, 30 Jun 05, 10:08pm UTC 

Fixed a problem with the Draggable Star component that occured when the star was on the far side of the sphere.

Ecliptic Simulator
 eclipticSimulator025view, link (84 KB, 970×710) source (928.5 KB)Fri, 18 Sep 09, 9:12pm UTC 

Land features were removed from the earth in the upper right panel.

 eclipticSimulator024view, link (88 KB, 970×710) source (1.2 MB)Thu, 19 Mar 09, 10:17pm UTC 
Graticule Component
 graticuleComponent001view, link (17 KB, 300×300) source (128 KB)Fri, 24 Jun 05, 8:12pm UTC 

This Flash accepts 4 flashvars parameters:

  • numLat - number of latitude circles (spaced evenly in altitude between the poles)
  • numLon - number of longitude hemicircles
  • latColor, lonColor - optional parameters to specify the colors of the lines, in hexadecimal (e.g. latColor=ff0000 for red latitude lines)

Latitude Angle Demo Diagram
 latAngleDemo001view, link (8.5 KB, 185×245) source (112 KB)Thu, 4 Aug 05, 3:50pm UTC 

There is an optional flashvars parameter, lat, that can be used to specify the angle demonstrated in the diagram. The default latitude is 48°.

The size of the movie is 185 by 245 pixels.

Map Explorer
 mapExplorer010view, link (82.4 KB, 850×580) source (272 KB)Fri, 24 Jun 05, 2:15pm UTC 
Sexagesimal Calculator
 sexagesimalCalculator001view, link (4.7 KB, 600×400) source (32 KB)Fri, 24 Jun 05, 7:19pm UTC 
EDU Flash Map
 eduMap003view, link (34.1 KB, 350×180) source (112 KB)Fri, 24 Jun 05, 8:47pm UTC 

Added the ability to put lettered discs on the map. The locations of the these discs can be specified with the parameters aDiscLon, aDiscLat, bDiscLon, bDiscLat, cDiscLon, and cDiscLat. The size of the discs can be controlled with the optional parameter discScale, where discScale=1 is the default.

 eduMap002view, link (33.1 KB, 350×180) source (96 KB)Fri, 24 Jun 05, 3:40pm UTC 

Added two new flashvars parameters:

  • showGrid - if showGrid=true then gridlines are added to the map (note that the 180° gridline is replaced with the IDL)
  • gridColor - optional parameter to control the color of the grid

 eduMap001view, link (32.7 KB, 350×180) source (128 KB)Thu, 23 Jun 05, 9:08pm UTC 

This Flash movie can be used for both the named line and random coordinate questions. The accepted flashvars parameters are:

  • crossLon, crossLat - if both are defined a cross is added at that coordinate
  • lineLat - if defined a line is added at that latitude
  • lineLon - if defined a line is added at that longitude (cf. showIDL below)
  • showIDL - if showIDL=true and lineLon=180 then the IDL is drawn instead of the 180° longitude line
  • offset - optional, specifies the initial longitude at the left side of the map, the default is either 120° west of the cross, or 120° west of the longitude line, or 190°
  • crossColor - optional, specifies the color of the cross in hexadecimal (e.g. crossColor=ff0000 for red), default is black
  • lineColor - optional, specifies the color of the lines

The natural size of this movie is 350x180.

Globe Discs
 globeDiscAreas004view, link (37.9 KB, 300×300) source (170.5 KB)Mon, 27 Jun 05, 1:50pm UTC 

This Flash will put 3 lettered discs on the globe. The parameters to define the locations of these discs are aLat, aLon, bLat, bLon, cLat, and cLon. Optionally, the viewing perspective can be set using viewLat and viewLon, which define the location of the sub-viewer point.

Sunbeam Component
 sunbeamComponent001view, link (23.2 KB, 800×600) source (275.5 KB)Thu, 7 Jul 05, 4:15pm UTC 
Mini Ray Simulator
 miniRaySimulator001view, link (12.8 KB, 760×340) source (86.5 KB)Tue, 19 Jul 05, 7:54pm UTC 
EDU Three Sunbeam Views
 threeBeamViews001view, link (2.4 KB, 450×150) source (29.5 KB)Tue, 2 Aug 05, 5:47pm UTC 

This movie takes three flashvar parameters: angleA, angleB, and angleC, which define the angle of the sun from the zenith in each diagram (where positive angles go CW).

EDU Beam Spread
 eduBeamSpread001view, link (2 KB, 200×200) source (32 KB)Tue, 2 Aug 05, 6:16pm UTC 

This component takes two flashvars parameters: dec and lat, which define the declination of the sun and latitude of the observer. Both should be expressed as angles between -90 and 90.

EDU Side Beam View
 eduSideBeamView001view, link (2.2 KB, 200×200) source (32 KB)Tue, 2 Aug 05, 6:31pm UTC 

This component takes two flashvars parameters: dec and lat, which define the declination of the sun and latitude of the observer. Both should be expressed as angles between -90 and 90.